Sunday, January 15, 2012

Healhty (Enough) Late Night Snack!

Ok, so you eat healthy stuff all day long, then you sit down to relax and watch some tv before bed and what happens? You want something to eat... but you want something that isn't gonna ruin the whole healthy eating thing you had going on all day. Well, here ya go. You can make these Chocolate covered banana chips during any commercial break, and they only take about half an hour or so to cool down. Not an every night thing, but it is fun and something different. Here is what you need:

1 banana, cut into quarter inch pieces

1 bar of dark chocolate, at least 70%, organic if you can find it, nuts optional

A microwaveable bowl, glass

A small dash of olive oil, just a few drops

Break the chocolate into pieces and put them into the bowl with the olive oil. Put it in the microwave for thirty seconds, then take it out and stir. Repeat this a couple times until the chocolate looks smooth. Then gently dip the bananas in the chocolate and place them into a freezable container lined with foil. I dip some cashews in whatever chocolate is left over after the banana is covered and put them in the freezer with the bananas. Throw it in the freezer for about half an hour, and enjoy... I like them cold but still soft, so don't leave 'em in there too long, or take them out and let them sit for a bit if you are eating ones you have already made.
Friggin yum!

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